मेरो तथ्याङ्क
- सुपरपोइन्टहरू: 80
- पछिल्लो खेल खेलेको:
साथीहरू > सबै हेर
Gizmo’s Firm Foundation Construction Company: First Time Played
Gizmo’s Firm Foundation Construction Company: Scored 500 Points
Gizmo's Lab Round-Up: First Time Played
Gizmo's Lab Round-Up: Scored 30000 Points
Gizmo's Lab Round-Up: Played 10 Times
Chris and Joy’s SuperSplash: First Time Played
Chris and Joy’s SuperSplash: Scored 2,000 Points
Chris and Joy’s SuperSplash: Scored 3,000 Points
Chris and Joy’s SuperSplash: Played 10 Times
Chris and Joy’s SuperSplash: Scored 4,000 Points